锦州海鑫金属材料有限公司 Jinzhou Haixin Metal Materials Co.,Ltd. 锦州海鑫金属材料有限公司是一家由材料系科研人员创建,集功能陶瓷粉体、新型储能材料、高温合金、铝合金添加剂研发、生产、销售于一体的具有自主知识产权的高新技术企业。公司秉承“科技创新、资源集成”的发展理念,不断推进科技创新和成果转化,我公司具有高素质的技术创新团队及先进的生产设备,拥有较为完善的材料加工能力和材料检验检测能力,实现了新材料产业低能耗规模化量产,技术含量高,创新性强,并已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。 公司掌握了功能陶瓷粉体材料、新型储能材料、高温合金材料的超纯净熔炼、真空烧结等核心技术,拥有13项国家实用新型和发明专利及国家注册商标品牌,为多项国家新材料科技项目提供了技术支持。2021年8月,我公司《系列超高温超硬超导储能功能陶瓷粉体及制备技术》项目获得中国创新创业大赛辽宁赛区三等奖。2022年1月,我公司《新型储能材料制备关键技术集成及应用示范》项目被列入辽宁省第四批重点研发计划定向项目。公司坚持以“专、精、特”的产品特性适应市场,以差异化竞争和技术服务开拓市场,经过多年的稳健经营,与全球多家知名企业建立了长期的战略合作。 未来,我们将秉承“科技创新、质量可靠、持续改进、顾客满意”的发展理念,坚持研发新技术、新产品,不断拓宽产业链,拓展国内外市场,立志成为全球生产功能陶瓷粉体、新型储能材料、高温合金、铝合金添加剂的知名企业。 Jinzhou Haixin Metal Materials Co.,Ltd. It is a high-tech enterprise with independent intellectual property rights, founded by researchers in the Department of materials and integrating the R & D, production and sales of functional ceramic powder, new energy storage materials, superalloys and aluminum alloy additives. Adhering to the development concept of "scientific and technological innovation and resource integration", the company continues to promote scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation. Our company has a high-quality technical innovation team and advanced production equipment, has relatively perfect material processing capacity and material inspection and testing capacity, and has realized mass production with low energy consumption, high technical content and strong innovation in the new material industry, And has passed ISO9001 international quality system certification. The company has mastered the core technologies such as ultra pure melting and vacuum sintering of functional ceramic powder materials, new energy storage materials and superalloy materials, and has 13 national utility model and invention patents and national registered trademark brands, providing technical support for a numb